Mauritius: The total amount of approximately 465 Arpents provided to 500 tea planters is 3.7 million

2021-11-16 18:59:29 By : Ms. Felicia Xu

The tea planters in the Bois Cheri, Grand Bois and La Flora areas have received a one-time allowance, estimated at a total amount of 3.7 million rupees, for planting about 465 tea trees. In fact, about 500 tea plantation growers in these areas received a one-time subsidy of 8,000 rupees per plant due to plantation losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic between March and June 2020.

Therefore, this morning, at the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, in cooperation with the Small Farmers Welfare Fund, a symbolic check handover ceremony was held at the Bois Chéri Youth Center. Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, Dr. Renganaden Paayachy; Attorney General, Minister of Agriculture Industry and Food Security, Mr. Maneesh Gobin; Minister of Health and Health, Dr. Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal; and Mr. Muhammad Ismael Rawoo, Private Secretary of Parliament (PPS), attended the meeting .

In his speech, Minister Padayachi talked about the government's commitment to provide support to the tea farmer community under the leadership of the Prime Minister. He added that the Prime Minister was not indifferent to the condition of small plantations in Mauritius, especially when the latter served as Minister of Agriculture and Industry from 2000 to 2003.

Minister Padayachi recalled that several measures have been proposed in the two recent budgets to provide further assistance to small growers, such as the self-employment plan during the blockade and other incentives to promote agricultural development. He pointed out that as a caring government, the goal is to help every citizen, especially the most disadvantaged groups, lead a decent life.

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Minister Gobin mentioned the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on grower communities and the general public. He pointed out that Mauritius is one of the few countries that has enough vaccine doses to satisfy the population that can be vaccinated. He also called on all growers to register with the Small Farmers Welfare Fund in order to use the various facilities provided by the government for the well-being of grower communities to help them promote planting for local consumption. He encouraged people to eat locally produced vegetables and detailed the measures being implemented to encourage such efforts.

As for Minister Jagutpal, he pointed out that, as announced in the 2021-2022 budget, the government is providing a one-time subsidy for small tea plantations to meet their goals by planting and harvesting tea. He added that the grant will encourage small tea planters to continue planting, which will encourage them to make a living from agriculture.

Mr. PPS Rawoo emphasized that regulations have been made for the distribution of 50,000 plants to growers across the country. He encouraged young people to cultivate land, especially tea, to meet the annual consumption demand of 1,800 tons of tea, and the annual output of tea is 1,500 tons. He recalled that a grant was also provided to tea farmers to purchase a small harvester to help them during the harvest.

Read the original article about the government of Mauritius.

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